"I'm going to start right off with THE MONEY MULTIPLIER!" says Reverend Ike in this YouTube video. (Not your average reverend)
"Now, before I give you the words to the money multiplier, I'm going to have another word here written on the green board that I want you to exorcise from your speech concerning money.
It is the word SPEND!.... INSTEAD, you will say USE money and CIRCULATE MONEY! Whatever you SPEND, it is GONE!"
Do you say you spEND money or USE/CIRCULATE money? A lot of the time, you will find yourself saying you spEND money.
"Now why are you asking me this right before the damn holidays, Nicole", you may be asking, lol.
WELL... 2020 is showing NO mercy and it is a MUST that we trust our intuition on this one. If you can't trust your own, trust Chris' lol
He already made it clear that the inevitable crash is coming and SPENDING too much money this year just doesn't make sense. Plus, what I love MOST about this skill is that you can create SEVERAL streams of income using the information provided in the courses.
You probably have money set aside for holiday sales and holiday dinners but lets think long term.
The BEST gift a person can give me is an education on how to make my money grow. The best food for me right now is food for thought (you like how I put that together lol).
Perhaps it seems like you do not have the money JUST YET but if you're as smart as you seem to be, you could convert HOLIDAY spENDING into holiday cash flow.
This BLACK FRIDAY, you should be MAKING money. If you have been confused on which class to take first, now you have access to them ALL.
Remember these are BLACK FRIDAY deals! This means that the deals will not extend beyond BLACK FRIDAY.
So far, there are 3 deals to choose from and I will go over each one below:
Deal 1: The Holy Sh*# Package
Deal 2: Make money buying and selling CURRENCY
Deal 3: The Gift Deal
Click the link below my descriptions for pricing information
Deal 1: The Holy Sh*# Package
This is the package that brings the greatest reward for your RISK. The live 2 Week Intensive alone will bring you back a MINIMUM of $25,000 in funding, if you apply yourself. That's already a 10x return MINIMUM for your money right there.
The 2 Week Intensive shows you how THE BANKS MAKE MONEY!
You learn to trade the treasury bonds and notes market, as well as the SP 500 futures. If you have a little knowledge of charts, you learn how to trade by watching the trade sales order receipts, opposed to only using chart patterns and indicators.
This means you learn to trade using the orders that come in BEFORE it shows up on the stock charts. Pretty dope!
You also gain access to some amazing information that will build your financial foundation and mindset for investing (The Wealth Standard), build your stock portfolio for LONG TERM income (Stocks you should own), and a foundation for making a consistent WEEKLY income with only a couple days of work per week (Options Crash course).
This is a seriously undervalued package!
As you can see, Bitcoin has taken off in a strong uptrend and you are able to make money by buying actual bitcoin AND you are able to buy and sell bitcoin PASSIVELY in the Forex market. This package includes an education on both of those topics.
You are the MOST educated financially by selecting this package.
Deal 2: Make money buying and selling CURRENCY
If you are already apart of the Wealth Standard,
2 Week Intensive, Options Crash Course, and
have attended the Stocks You Should Own Classes, you may be more interested in adding Forex and Crypto to your skill set.
The courses in this deal are never before seen and are going to EXPAND your comfort zone, perhaps. You gain more knowledge on how to have a wider range of skill and can increase your number of income streams.
As crypto rises, there may also be another CRASH in crypto. Forex will allow you to make money during a CRYPTO CRASH in the forex market! Its already showing that it is currently overbought, so do not hesitate.
Deal 3: The Gift Deal
Now, I know you have already bought one of the above packages for yourself ;) and having friends and family who have money TOO is a blessing because you don't have to celebrate your new life alone NOR will you have to be the only one funding the celebrations.
Lets say you have a family member or friend that wants to start their journey to a better financial future and isn't sure where to begin.
This is the gift that keeps giving because you can buy this deal for them AND if they are good people, they may share the fruits of their labor with you for giving them a new skill for the holidays.
This package offers a basic foundation for making enough money to increase the money you already have into more by using the information given in this deal.
You can also purchase this for yourself if you are just needing a nudge in the right direction and are not sure where to begin :)
These deals are not meant to last past Black Friday and one rule we have as traders is to act without hesitation or reservation. How you act in this instance is a huge indicator or the type of person you will have to OVERCOME in your trading journey.
Many people are already on the journey to multiple streams of income and the results have been amazing. Click here for testimonials
There is NO PRESSURE! This is ultimately your life and you are the only one who has to live it. You can let this offer pass you by and wait on the POSSIBLE next offer OR you can just understand the position you are in NOW and convert your holiday SPENDING into a holiday cash flow.